After a good nights sleep I wakened just before the alarm at
6am. Porridge for breakfast for added energy. The weather looked good and the sun was coming up through a sea mist. Cold and sharpe but a really fresh morning, perfect conditions for a marathon. I got my gear and headed to Portballintrae for the registration. An exciting looking start/finish area with flags and advertising lined along the car park. Registration was straight forward well organised and very fast. I got my gear on and started a light warm up. Everyone had their own routine of stretching and light running. The atmosphere was building with both competitors and spectators alike. 8:55am and we all lined up at the start flags. Rowan from extreme 26 (Event Organiser) give us a description of what lay ahead and he also thanked us all for taking part in the first Causeway Marathon. He handed over to the mayor who made a quick speech and give a blast of an air horn to signal the start of the Causeway Marathon 2009.
The Run
On the sound of the air horn we started to slowly filter under the start control. Down a small stony path and across a footbridge over the bush river. A sharpe right and onto a sandy path which lead onto a boardwalk that followed the river. We turned left and followed the causeway train tracks which run parallel to the beach at the back of the sand dunes. Turning left again we crossed the tracks and headed towards the runkerry headland. The craic was good and everyone was in good spirits. The odd joke here and there about taking in the scenery on the way out because we would be in to much pain on the way back. Later turned out to be true for some of us. Runkerry headland seemed to go past in a flash and at this point we were well and truly warmed up. At the Causeway visitor centre we turned left down the tarmac road to the causeway itself. This was a steep decent that dropped us down to sea level past the causeway stones. The first major climb of the day from the sea level to around 450ft up the Shepard’s steps. This was when the pace dropped to a walk as the steps were slippy and very steep. When I reached the top I picked up the pace again. I knew there was a slight climb along the cliff side that levelled out were I could get a breather and a drink. This was the first time I used a water bottle belt and was great to be able to drink on the run. The cliff path was in good condition even with the heavy rain the previous night. I started to get into rhythm and felt really good. A nice cool breeze from time to time really helped keep me from over heating. Headland after headland around the most amazing scenery you could ever have a marathon. A quick glance now and again was all I could take as the path was uneven and slippy in places. As we were getting into the miles we started to hit the ups and downs. A series of rocky steps down then up with the wooden steps over fences was a test of the legs even at this early stage. We passed marshals on the route giving us warnings of slippy steps or dangerous cliff edges. This just showed the professionalism of the event and attention to detail from the organisers. We passed our first water stop taking on some extra water. I passed on the opportunity of bananas and oranges at this early stage.
Dunseverick Castle marked 10k (Official time 01:01:20) with spectators cheering us on from the road side. I got a real boost seeing my girlfriend cheering me on and getting the photos for this blog. (Thanks Marga) I was feeling really good and felt I was sticking to a good pace. The terrain started to get a bit worse at this point with paths crossing through fields with cattle. With the wet weather the ground was very soft and the hoof prints in the muck made for very unsettled running. I found myself watching every step with extra caution as I didn’t want to go over on my ankle. After the fields we climbed a rocky path turning left down dunseverick road. This was a short decent past dunseverick harbour and back onto the trails. The paths from here changed from hard grassy paths to mucky trails. Around a few headlands and over fences we came to a short stony beach again I was watching my step but trying to keep a pace going. After the beach we got back onto a path that lead up some steps through a cave archway. Across some rocks onto the road at Portbradden. This was a tight climb up out of Portbradden turning left onto the main coastal road. Still climbing we got a great view of Whitepark bay and the beach to the halfway point. The road was coned off with a lane for us runners. Reaching the beach and youth hostel road we turned left again and down hill to the beach. Turning right onto the sand I stuck to a steady pace along the beach. The tide was in but thankfully the sand was firm. At the end of the beach I started meeting the front runners coming the other way. A few shouts of encouragement to them and from them to me was great and in keeping with a great atmosphere on the run. As the beach finished we crossed the rocks and over some seaweed. We had to get our feet wet as the tide was in and covering the rocks which lead to the path around the corner. A couple of steps in water up to my ankles was very refreshing and cooled my burning feet. Out onto the path we followed a sandy trail that took us into Ballintoy harbour. The halfway point was down at the end of the pier. (Official time 01:59:03) I got the waterbottle refilled and turned back along the pier.
Second Leg
With my legs still feeling good I started the homeward journey. Across the sandy path and back into the sea for a second refreshing dip for the feet. The beach run was really nice and I kept a steady pace. I passed a camera at the start of the beach road. With a quick thumbs up I got the head down for the climb out up to the main road. I had to walk at a few sections to get my breathing back to a regular rhythm. Onto the road turning right I caught up with my mate Ivan. We got into a rhythm and running together along the road section we got back to a steady pace. As we reached the end of the road it was back across the rocks at portbradden and through the Cave Archway. The steps down at the other side were very slippy so I took it easy to avoid any problems. The stony beaches and rocky paths seemed a lot harder and with tiring legs I was using a lot of mental energy to watch every step. Dunseverick Harbour and a small uphill road section give the head a break and my rhythm just pulled me up the hill. Turning right down the steps to the coastal path and back to the fields. Crossing the fields with the uneven ground was a real drain this time around. Watching my feet on every step and lifting heavier legs was a good test of what was to come. Passing Dunseverick castle again I knew this was the 10k to go marker. A long up hill section with a fence crossing up and over steep steps. This was the first time I could feel the niggling of my muscles. I knew the feeling was cramp but as I ran steady it was coming and going. I took it easy and slowed right down on the up hill sections. I got to the water stop and filled the water bottle and took a few quarters of oranges. The oranges were such a welcome to a drying mouth and got my taste buds fired up again. I got a phone call from my sister Paula who said the family were waiting at the finish line. Hearing this was good and took my mind of my sore muscles. I followed the cliff path and took it easy on the up hills and picked it up on the downs.
Hitting the 20mile mark (Official time 03:11:16) this is when it all went down hill. I came to a set of steps down that had a steep set going up at the other side. I ran down too fast I could feel the muscles tightening and as I started to climb the cramps started. I had to stop and stretch but every time I tried to carry on the legs took really bad cramps. I thought if I can just get to the top of the steps I could walk it off. I took a drink of water and suffered the pain and pulled myself to the top. Walking and stretching the cramps eased a little but I could still feel the pain in the legs. I started jogging slowly having to stop now and again and stretch the legs again to stop the cramp. This was the pattern for the rest of the journey home. Finishing my water I struggled forward. As I rounded the headland over looking the causeway I knew I had a bit of a downhill to try get a run going again. I passed many tourists that cheered me on and give me a bit of much needed encouragement. As I passed the Causeway centre I took on a lot of water and refilled my water bottle.
Around runkerry headland with jogging and walking I could see I was loosing a lot of time. I gritted my teeth and tried to push on. The legs just didn’t want to work on the uphill sections and had me walking again. The last stretch and a couple of fellow runners (Niall and I didn’t catch the girls name. I think it was Anna judging by the results sheet) caught me up. They give me a bit of boost by chatting and it took my mind of the pain in the legs. We turned right at the markers back along the boardwalk around the Bush river. Crossing the footbridge looking towards the short path to Portballintrae was a welcome sight. I put the head down and got across the finish line (Official time 04:32:33) to applause and cheers from Marga and some of the family. I was in such pain and the legs were totally exhausted. I got a bit of water and took a few deep breathes. It suddenly started to sink in that I had finished and the smile slowly returned to my face. After I had a chat with a few friends around the finish I headed back to Portstewart. I stopped at the herringpond (a natural seawater pool) I went down the steps into the icy cold water. At first it was shock and pain but I could feel the legs getting better. After a shower and some food I was feeling great but tired.
Summary: A very enjoyable event that was extremely well organised. Amazing scenery and a great course.
10k - 01:01:20
Halfway - 01:59:03
20 Miles - 03:11:16
Finish - 04:32:33
Bad Points: My lack of training, next time I will train for the event and not just leave things to the last minute.
Big Thanks
Firstly I have to thank Marga for getting up with me at 6am and cheering me on around the course. Also for the photos above. T'estimo Molt ;-)
Paula, Aideen, Sarah and Eimear. Max, Fiona, Ben and Josh for coming to the finish and cheering me across the line.
Also a massive thanks to Rowan and everyone else from 26 Extreme for Planning, organising and making this a marathon to remember. Roll on next year when I want to finish stronger.
Oh and how could I forget my wee Sister Lizi in Newzealand. Thanks Sis for all your encouragement and words of wisdom. Also all your crew out there for following the Marathon.