Monday, 26 October 2009

26 Extreme Winter Series

The organisers of the Marathon have put together a winter running series. 2009 / 2010 Winter Race Series. This is a series of ten trail races in Rostrevor, Castlewellan and Tollymore Forests ranging in length from 6.5km to almost 13km. The exciting thing about these races is that four of them will be staged in the hours of darkness. On these race nights competitors will don their head torches and with their fellow runners will light up the trails through the forests as they take part in these unique events. The series starts with a 6.56km night run. This run takes place in Rostrevor Forest Thursday 29th October.


  1. Hi Michael,
    Any photos?


  2. Hello Mirek,
    No Photos these days as I am busy training. Hopefully after christmas I will get the camera out again.

